Election Madness & Vulnerability
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that says what it really thinks, without trying to appease anyone.
Okay, so I was ready to publish a new article today on the subject of vulnerability — the truth and lie about it.
But since we have yet another presidential election just around the corner in the USA, and many “Christians” have thrown their emotions headlong into it (with some losing their hearts and minds), I thought I’d address the subject.
I mean, over the last week, we’ve had a number of celebrity preachers and authors weighing-in on who to vote for — or who not to vote for. And what each said has roiled a segment of the Christian population.
I’ve been asked the question myself, so I’m featuring my unconventional and timeless answer today. Don’t skip the supplemental audios at the bottom of page I send you to. They treat other critical aspects of the issue.
Until next week, when I will get vulnerable about vulnerability.
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Originally published at https://frankviola.org on October 31, 2020.