America in Crisis. The World is Dying for the Burning

Frank Viola
2 min readJun 21, 2020


“To me the essence of being a radical is being willing to subject one’s inherited traditions and conventions to biblical scrutiny … A lot of our personal security is found in our convictions; we develop a personal stance and find our security in it, and then when anybody disagrees we feel threatened.”

~ John Stott

The world is dying for men and women who are burning. Not for a cause, but for a Person and His kingdom: The Lord Jesus Christ.

Thankfully, many who are part of The Insurgence Podcast Community are on fire. They are a people fiercely devoted to Jesus and His kingdom.

America is in crisis right now, and crisis exposes our hearts and what we really believe.

Recently, I made this statement on the Insurgence Facebook Page:

To profess Jesus is Lord is to renounce nationalism AND globalism. When the true gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed, it outrages the progressive left and infuriates the conservative right.

As a result, I was asked these 5 questions:

* What is nationalism and why is it contrary to the gospel of the kingdom?

* What is globalism and why is it contrary to the gospel of the kingdom?

* Why would the gospel of the kingdom anger the progressive left since they are for the least of these and the poor?

* Why would it upset the conservative right since the kingdom message calls for repentance from immorality, abortion, etc.?

* I’m seeing a lot of hatred coming from Christians, the same as people in the world over politics and social issues, and I’m appalled by it. Can you speak to this?

Denzel and I addressed all 5 questions on the 73rdepisode of The Insurgence Podcast, which just released.


As a supplement to that episode, check out 20 Reasons Why the Christian Right & the Christian Left Won’t Adopt Me (article from 2012).

If you have a question you would like me and one of my regular guests to answer in an upcoming episode of The Insurgence Podcast — questions that we haven’t already covered in previous episodes — post it in the comments.

Stay safe, stay sane, stay true.

Until next Thursday,

Frankie V.

P.S. If you’re not subscribed to my Thursday UNFILTERED updates, you can subscribe here. It’s free and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms.

Originally published at on June 21, 2020.



Frank Viola
Frank Viola

Written by Frank Viola

Helping serious followers of Jesus know their Lord more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. Connect at